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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Public Advocate success story

From Public Advocate:

Obama has launched his latest attack on real marriage and on the U.S. military.

Citing the recent Supreme Court decision to gut the Defense of Marriage Act, the Obama Administration and the Pentagon are ordering states to legitimize homosexual "marriage" through their individual National Guard units.

Obama is insisting that even pro-marriage states -- the majority of states -- must recognize homosexual "marriage" in the National Guard by extending real marriage benefits to homosexual "spouses!"

This will effectively make them "gay marriage" states.

Texas has so far refused to comply with Obama's attempt to force homosexual "marriage" on their state.

Louisiana and Mississippi have also announced that they will not allow the Obama Administration to force their states to change their marriage laws through their National Guards.

Sadly, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has declared that he will comply with this mandate -- even though Virginia legally protects real marriage!

But the pro-Family Movement in Virginia is striking back.

Long time Public Advocate ally Delegate Bob Marshall confronted Virginia's governor with the truth that other conservative states are refusing to comply.

Marshall and Public Advocate have worked together before to expose McDonnell's support for the radical Homosexual Agenda.

In a series of fights last year, we tried to prevent the appointment of radical homosexual activist Thorne-Begland as a judge in the state capitol.

But Governor Bob McDonnell actually praised the appointment.

And now, according to Del. Marshall, McDonnell is going to use this policy change to radically alter the Virginia tax code to recognize homosexual "marriage."

Since McDonnell dismissed Marshall's letter, Public Advocate supporters in Virginia sprang into action.

They poured thousands of phone calls into McDonnell's office, and sent hundreds of emails to Marshall to show their support.

But this fight is far from over.

It's up to Public Advocate to show President Obama that he cannot force his homosexual agenda upon America.

And you can be sure that the Virginia governor is going to continue hearing from Public Advocate until he opts to support pro-Family values.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Will you chip in $5 or $10 to help Public Advocate fight the Homosexual Lobby?

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