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Monday, March 10, 2014

Contribute to opening the Keystone Pipeline

From American Tradition Partnership:

Tom Steyer is at it again.

Last fall ATP reported that Steyer was using his BILLIONS to attack the Keystone Pipeline.

Now he is paying to run an ad claiming that the Pipeline Extension is a Chinese project!

The ad itself is over the top ridiculous.

But even worse, it grossly distorts the facts.

The Chinese investment in Canadian energy is a minor one at best, and very little of it is actually connected to the Keystone Pipeline.

There is no trick the radical environmentalists won’t use to scare people away from traditional energy.

And the most frustrating part of this story is that Tom Steyer made his billions in Oil and Gas!

He was fine using the industry to make his fortune.

But now he wants to shut down competition.

Well you and I won’t be fooled.

The Keystone Pipeline is America’s best chance to lower the price you and I pay at the pump.

And the project could be approved any day now.

ATP worked over time gathering signatures for the project -- and they are all on their way to the White House.

We won’t be cowed by the lies of Tom Steyer, or any of Gang Green.

I hope you will continue to stand with ATP as we fight back against destructive regulations.


Chris Michael
Communications Director,
American Tradition Partnership

FuelingJobs.com is a project of ATP
P.S. Can you chip in $5 or $10 to help us fight for American energy?

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