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Monday, June 29, 2015

Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality


On June 12, the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Open Internet Order mandating the strongest Net Neutrality protections in history finally went into effect. It was a tremendous victory for the millions of Americans, including hundreds of thousands of CREDO members, who fought for these rules.

But Big Telecom’s allies in Congress have slipped language into a 158-page government-funding bill that would take away these Net Neutrality protections we all fought so hard to win. It’s nothing less than a sneak attack on Net Neutrality.

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee passed the bill on June 17. The full House is expected to vote soon, so we need to act fast to defend Net Neutrality from this backdoor attack.

Sign the petition: Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality.

This appropriations bill is bad news for American consumers. The bill would strip funding from the FCC to prevent enforcement of the Net Neutrality rules as written, and it would delay the rules until after the pending court cases have been decided – a process that could take years.

Worse, inserting these anti-Net Neutrality provisions into a funding bill now is part of an effort to set the stage for their inclusion in a must-pass funding bill later this year. Time and again we’ve seen terrible results from bad provisions in must-pass bills, so we can’t take this threat lightly.

We need to show members of Congress – whether they’re our allies in this fight or not – that we won’t tolerate any attacks on Net Neutrality. It took millions of us speaking out to win these Net Neutrality protections, and we need to keep speaking out to to make sure we don’t lose them.

Sign the petition: Stop the sneak attack on Net Neutrality.

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