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Sunday, January 5, 2020

The rainbow mafia is at it again

From Public Advocate:

We have been betrayed by a so-called "conservative."

Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) introduced a radical anti-Family bill in the House called the "Fairness For All Act."

But you and I are not dumb.

This is nothing but a Trojan Horse for the Gay Bill of Special Rights (H.R. 5 & S. 788).

And the Homosexual Lobby is hoping this "new" bill will gain the bipartisan support needed to enforce their radical agenda.

My friend, I have warned you about this time and time again.

So-called "conservatives" are bowing down to the Homosexual Lobby's pressure and are now even introducing a Trojan Horse version of their crown-jewel legislation.

In the news, you are going to hear that this bill is a "more acceptable alternative" to the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

You may even see some say it would allow Christians like Colorado baker Jack Phillips to practice his beliefs without persecution.

But let me ask you one thing: When has the radical Left EVER looked out for the values you and I hold so dear?

And that is exactly my point.

When we allow our elected officials to settle and compromise on something as sacred as Religious Liberty, America loses.

Because if this bill gains enough support to pass, like my insiders are telling me, the results could be catastrophic.

Religious Liberty would be constantly put into check and silenced.

Homosexuals and transgenders would become a protected class and push Christians to the back of the bus.

All in the name of "EQUALITY."

And that is not a future I want to leave for my children.

Public Advocate is on the scene, and there is still time to put pressure on Congress.

Your Public Advocate has won countless fights in the past, and we have stopped the Gay Bill of Special Rights every year it's been introduced.

With our proven grassroots programs, emails, social media presence, Amicus Briefs and our hard-hitting petition drives, your Public Advocate has led the charge to protect Religious Liberty.

But that was only because I had the support of folks like you who joined me in the fight.

You and I must unite to put the pressure on Congress and show them that we do not support the radical Homosexual Agenda.

Remind Congress we will remember that they chose to settle rather than fight to defend the rights of their constituents.

So will you join me in this crucial fight by signing your petition to Congress urging them to "Stop the Gay Bill of Special Rights?"

You see, if we fail to take action now, I'm afraid the Homosexual Lobby could gain the leverage needed to warp the views of our conservative leadership and pass this bill.

But if you and I unite with the millions of pro-Family Americans across the country, there is hope to stop their "equality" agenda that includes radical anti-Family bills like the so-called "Fairness For All Act."

I can only do so much without other Christian voices like yours.

That's why it's so important that you sign your new petition to Congress to "Stop the Gay Bill of Special Rights" before it's too late.

And after you sign your petition, I must ask you to consider chipping in a contribution of $10 or $25 to help us fund our proven efforts I mentioned before.

I hope I can count on you in this important fight.

Thank you, and God bless.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) introduced a radical anti-Family bill in the House called the "Fairness For All Act."

This bill is nothing but a Trojan Horse for the Gay Bill of Special Rights (H.R. 5 & S. 788).

And if this bill gains enough support to pass, like my insiders are telling me, Religious Liberty would be in serious trouble.

That's why I must have you join me in this crucial fight by signing your petition to Congress urging them to "Stop the Gay Bill of Special Rights."

Only then can we stop the Homosexual Lobby's pressure tactics by drowning out their cries for the "equality" that pushes Christians to the back of the bus.

Not just for Christians but for Libertarians too. What the gay mafia is asking for is not equality but supremacy. That is out of the question. No group is more important than others. All should be equal before the law.

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