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Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Coronavirus: accomplishing what the People's Liberation Army cannot

You can accomplish a lot more with a lot less culpability by using a biological weapon instead of human soldiers. I'm sure China came to the same conclusion. COVID-19,the Coronavirus whatever you want to call it is a sneaky way to wipe out civilizations especially when your country has not formally declared war. But then again that is what communists are all about. That is what today's Democratic Party is about and today's democrat is a communist. So American Democrats and Chinese Communists are like minded and lock stepped in their quest for power. President Donald Trump has done a tremendous job in issuing a travel ban from China to curtail the spreading of the disease. The democrats bitched about it. That's because it upset their Chinese overlords. The problem for China is it also attacked countries that would have been friendly to China. Namely Iran. A lot of the mullahs that rule Iran were wiped out by the Coronavirus. The good thing about a biological weapon: You can use it and deny any malicious intent. You can't do that with a human military. The bad thing is unlike a human military a biological weapon destroys both friend and foe alike. The Coronavirus went global. Effecting every country on Earth. It is basically China versus Planet Earth at this point. China also manufactures America's medical supplies including life saving medicine. Why is it that a country that hates America like China does is manufacturing vital medicines that Americans need ? A question that I myself have asked. This just goes to show globalism is a stupid concept and that going back to nationalism is the best option. China has even withheld COVID-19 test kits that are vital to the American people. We've come to the conclusion that importing our oil is a bad idea. Now we must come to the realization is that importing our vital medical supply needs is also a bad idea. Our lives depend on it.

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