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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A couple of videos by Terrence Popp

 I've always found Terrence Popp's videos to both entertaining and educational. First up is "Cows make delicious targets". Despite its comedic title, this one is a horror video. In it, Popp describes the horrors of war and he describes it in a way that successfully conveys the message that he wants to audience to understand and that message is of an environment that can only be described as hell itself. In fact, if Popp can successfully apply that message as I described it to a movie or video that would be fucking intense. It may lead to a lot of sleepless nights by guys who are lifelong civilians. Companies that make night lights would see a sharp rise in sales. I guess that is good for the economy.


Next up is "The feud from hell". Despite its horror story sounding title, it is actually a comedy and a very funny one at that. The way Popp masterfully tells this story is very entertaining. I have to say this video is the best comedy all around. If fact if Popp could successfully extrapolate this message to a movie or video it would be very funny. Even Porky's In The Principals Office funny.

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