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Friday, June 27, 2014

Public Advocate prevails over rainbow mafia

From Public Advocate:

I have good news to share with you!

The Homosexual Lobby's attack on my livelihood as a humble public servant has been thrown out of court.

They have been plotting to remove me from office for several years now because of my work as President of Public Advocate.

Liberals cannot stand seeing a pro-Family advocate serving in a public position.

They tell themselves that the majority of Americans support the radical Homosexual Agenda.

So when I stand in front of the news cameras and speak publicly without fear of repercussion -- well it just drive them nuts!

Their most recent effort petitioned a judge to have me fired because of my outspoken defense of real marriage.

Fortunately, their attempts to use the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) misclassification of Public Advocate as a "Hate Group" failed miserably.

You see, the SPLC added your Public Advocate to their infamous Hate Map over two years ago for our efforts to defend real marriage.

However, my lawyers subpoenaed the SPLC to justify -- for the first time -- how they prove a group is a "hate group."

And they were exposed for their baseless accusation.

Because the truth is, there is no impartial basis for their "Hate List."

The SPLC targets any group that disagrees with their radical Leftist agenda.

Through it all, I refused to back down to the liberal threats.

And just this week, the independent investigator and the judge both agreed that the charges were groundless and dismissed the case.

Thank you for always supporting me.

And thank you for being brave enough to stand up for the Family!

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Will you chip in $5 or $10 to help Public Advocate fight against anti-Family radicals like the SPLC?

Click here to see the video

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