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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stop Obama and the unions from stacking the Labor Board

From The National Right to Work Committee:

President Barack Obama and his Big Labor puppet masters are at it again.

As you may know, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held this summer that Obama's bogus "recess" appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) were unconstitutional.

Now with a seat about to open back up on the NLRB, Obama has renominated Sharon Block -- one of the forced-unionism partisans who sat on the Board and illegally participated in hundreds of decisions!

It's time to start turning up the heat on the U.S. Senate at once.

That's because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made your job as grassroots citizens even more difficult.

You see, last year, Reid pulled the so-called "nuclear option" and broke the rules to gut the filibuster.

That allows Reid to ram Barack Obama's radical nominations through the U.S. Senate with the slimmest majorities.

Not only that, Reid could delay a vote until a "lame duck" session after losing his pro-forced-unionism majority in November, hoping concerned citizens like you aren't paying attention.

But you and I have stopped him before from underhanded tactics like that, such as when we killed the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill in the "lame duck" session in 2010.

So please, help me start turning up the pressure at once.

Sign your petition to your U.S. Senators opposing Sharon Block's nomination to the NLRB by clicking here.

Congress is on vacation until Labor Day, and I want to be able to start flooding Senate offices with your petitions as soon as they get back.

The NLRB has been ground zero for Barack Obama's paybacks to Big Labor.

Obama's end-around of the Constitution was the most egregious example yet.

The Supreme Court unanimously struck that down, but what kind of message does the Senate send if it lets him get away with it?

That's why I'm counting on your action at once.

Please sign your petition opposing Sharon Block right away.

And after you do, I hope you'll chip in with a contribution of $10 or more to help your National Right to Work Committee turn up the heat.

But most importantly, please sign your petition right away.


Mark Mix

P.S. After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Barack Obama's "recess" appointments to the NLRB, Obama has renominated one of those same forced-unionism partisans to the Board.

Sharon Block defied the rule of law by illegally participating in hundreds of decisions.

Please click here to sign your petition to your U.S. Senators urging them to oppose Block's nomination.

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