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Friday, October 23, 2015

A thank you from Free Press

From Free Press:

Amazing news: On Thursday, the FCC voted to reduce the out-of-control cost of local, in-state and long-distance prison-phone calls — thanks in part to the actions you’ve taken.

For years, many prisoners and their families have had to pay up to $10 or more for a 15-minute phone call thanks to the predatory prices charged by companies like Securus Technologies.

The skyrocketing cost of these calls has made it difficult — sometimes impossible — for families to stay in touch with their loved ones.

Thanks to the leadership of Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, and her colleagues Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel and Chairman Tom Wheeler, the FCC moved again to ensure that predatory prison phone rates don’t prevent families from remaining connected. Yesterday’s vote builds on the reforms the agency adopted during Commissioner Clyburn’s tenure as acting chairwoman in 2013.

As always, the FCC didn’t do it alone. The work of the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, the Center for Media Justice, the Media Action Grassroots Network, civil rights groups, public interest organizations and thousands of people elevated the voices of inmates and their families in Washington, D.C. — and made it possible for the FCC to take action.

Thank you for showing, once again, that when we collectively raise our voices we can make a difference.


Lucia, Joseph, Matt, Mary Alice and the rest of the Free Press team

Thank you!

And thank you to everyone who participated in correcting this greedy slimy act by Securus Technologies. This is why people hate corporations.

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