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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Campaign For Liberty success stories

From Campaign For Liberty:

Following Ron Paul's historic grassroots presidential campaign in 2008, the establishment of both parties just hoped you and I would fade away.

But Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders have done the exact opposite.

They are now the ones leading the fight for liberty in your neighborhoods and state capitals.

A few of the stories from this year's legislative session are just too good not to share, so I wanted to draw your attention to them.

Can you imagine what it's like to push Right to Work in the home of the United Autoworkers Union?

Our Michigan state leader, Tony DeMott, and his team did just that.

Almost no one thought it was possible.

Yet they ignored the naysayers, applied the political tactics they learned from C4L's top-notch grassroots training, and made it happen.

Following the fight, Greg Mourad, Vice President of the National Right to Work Committee, said, "Michigan Campaign for Liberty's petition and phone call drives played a major role in getting Right to Work passed."

Thanks to their determined efforts, Michigan became the 24th Right to Work State.

That's one of the things that make Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders stand out among other grassroots organizations.

These folks will never back down from a challenge.

In Delaware, home state of America's notoriously outspoken Vice President, Joe Biden, our State Leader, Eric Boye, took on another battle the political class told him was impossible to win - defeating gun control in a solidly blue state.

Defending our Second Amendment rights on the state and federal level was a challenge Campaign for Liberty members across the country answered the call to action on throughout 2013.

But in Delaware, when Governor Markell and State Attorney General Beau Biden (Joe Biden's son) pushed a bill that would deny Second and Fourth Amendment rights to anyone deemed "mentally risky," it seemed the road was paved for its passage.

Its success appeared certain when the Delaware House rushed it through by a vote of 40-1.

Enter Eric and Delaware C4L.

Eric defied the odds by launching a grassroots campaign that gained statewide and national media attention . . .

. . . and stopped the bill - not once, but twice - in the Delaware Senate.

On June 30, the last day of the legislative session, Boye rallied Campaign for Liberty supporters at a "Fill the Halls, Hold the Line" rally just before the evening session began.

There, some State Senators said pressure brought on by C4L supporters was the reason they switched sides and opposed the bill.

HB 88 may have been stalled for this year, but Eric and the rest of Delaware Campaign for Liberty stand ready to fight - and defeat - the gun-grabbers again should they attempt to revive the bill in 2014.

These stories just go to show that even if the odds are stacked against you - and you see politicians supposedly on your side running for the hills - don't assume the grassroots aren't powerful enough to prevail.

There are literally dozens of stories like this from across the country, and I wish I could share each one, but time and space limits us to just a few more.

In Michigan, South Carolina, and many other states, Campaign for Liberty's Leaders are on the front lines fighting Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare.

While the Michigan fight is still ongoing, South Carolina provides a great example of what Campaign for Liberty's grassroots training can equip people to do.

South Carolina State Leader Talbert Black is one grassroots activist politicians don't want to cross.

Asked why he chose Campaign for Liberty as his vehicle for grassroots activism, Talbert replied, "C4L is the only organization that has the tools and philosophy necessary to go up against entrenched corruption and win."

One of his first fights was passing legislation that forced the State Senate to go on record by casting roll call votes.

Before that, the vast majority of legislation was passed by voice vote, making it impossible to hold elected officials accountable.

Concerning ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion, Talbert and SC C4L's action put the Governor on record there, too.

South Carolina Campaign for Liberty generated such a strong grassroots opposition to the Obamacare expansion that Governor Nikki Haley publicly declared the state would not expand Medicaid or set up an Obamacare exchange.

It gets even better.

A FOIA request from a state newspaper revealed communication between Governor Haley's Chief of Staff, Tim Pierson, and the director of SC Health and Human Services stating that the Governor "didn't want to be on the wrong side of Campaign for Liberty" on the issue.

Talbert has also fought hard for Constitutional Carry, testifying in four public hearings on the issue across the state.

With the legislation currently in committee, he is continuing the fight.

And South Carolina isn't the only state where C4L's leaders are pushing Constitutional Carry.

While gun control activists are seeking to restrict or take away our Second Amendment rights, Campaign for Liberty's State Leaders are fighting to protect and expand our liberties.

In Maine, the legislature came within just two votes of passing Constitutional Carry. Maine C4L plans to push the same legislation in next year's session.

Across this great nation, Campaign for Liberty activists are refusing to back down in the face of tyranny.

When your rights are threatened, our leaders are there, ready to stand up to the challenge.

Even if it means standing alone.

Michigan C4L leader David Dudenhoefer surrounded by union thugs at the State Capitol

Will you stand with them today?

Please make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to Campaign for Liberty today.

Your generous contribution will help support C4L's efforts to train and mobilize effective grassroots activists who are committed to continuing the R3VOLution!

Establishment politicians on the national, state, and local levels are praying C4L will finally throw in the towel and get out of their way.

So what do we need to do?

Double down on the pressure.

Your support today will help guarantee Campaign for Liberty can train more activists to turn up the heat and reach millions of more Americans with our message of prosperity and hope for our nation's future.

Together, you and I will fight the statists every inch of the way as we push forward to Reclaim our Republic and Restore our Constitution.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. From gun control, to Right to Work, to civil liberties, to ObamaCare expansion, Campaign for Liberty State Leaders are fighting and winning battles against the statists at the state and local level on a daily basis.

The secret to this success is the training they have received from Campaign for Liberty.

And Campaign for Liberty is planning to teach and mobilize even more grassroots activists to win even more battles against the statists.

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