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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America

It was on this day in 1776 that several brave men put their lives on the line by signing the Declaration of Independence a document if found by the British meant they would be found guilty of treason against the king and have a date with the executioner. Britain at that time was a world superpower with colonies all over the world making it a vast and powerful empire yet our Founding Fathers had enough of a tyrannical king that pushed them around and had the bravery to stand up to the tyrannical king. This tyrannical king certainly didn't expect farmers and other civilians to prevail over his professional army but that is what happened. With help from our French allies we were able to prevail against the British king and form our own country,a country that is the breadbasket of the world. A shining beacon of light. Back then the British were frustrated by the fact they couldn't get their hands on the signatories and they also terrorized innocent colonists trying to get the information. British atrocities were numerous with their dragnet searches of homes and other dwellings of the colonists and the torching of said dwellings. But in the end it was the British atrocities that help solidify the colonists desire for independenance. An independenance they achieved. I'm going to conclude this post with the following:

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