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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stop the persecution of our military personnel

From Public Advocate:

As the fallout of the government shutdown fight continues, it's important not to forget that the Homosexual Agenda is still running amuck in the U.S. military.

When Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed, Public Advocate warned this would lead directly to the persecution of Christians serving in the armed forces.

You see, it is impossible for the Pentagon and the Obama Administration to promote the radical Homosexual Agenda in the ranks without attacking Christians.

And sure enough, Public Advocate has alerted our supporters to more than a dozen outrageous incidents in the past year alone.

But Lackland Air Force Base is on a whole new level of wrong.

Trouble at Lackland first came to the public’s attention in August when it was reported that Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk was facing a court martial.

He had been ordered by his commanding officer to verbally state that he supported homosexual “marriage.”

When he refused, he was relieved of duty.

He filed a complaint for this wrongful act of discrimination, but instead of defending his First Amendment rights, the Air Force has accused him of lying.

Now he is facing a court-martial -- just for standing up to the Homosexual Agenda.

But his story is just part of a larger pattern of radical homosexual intimidation at Lackland AFB.

Local Baptist pastor Steve Branson reports that he has heard from at least 80 airmen about the religious persecution they are facing at Lackland.

"There is an atmosphere of intimidation at Lackland Air Force Base," Branson said. "Gay commanders and officers are pushing their agenda on the airmen. There is a culture of fear in the military and it’s gone to a new level with the issue of homosexuality."

The U.S. military takes its orders from Obama, and right now the leadership is definitely following orders to purge Christians, Christianity, and all forms of morality from service.

The spike in incidents at Lackland is highly suspicious.

The base is located in San Antonio, Texas and this city has just come under its own controversy in the last few months for passing an ordinance giving special protected-class status to homosexuals.

With this ordinance, Christian employees of the city and Christian businesses will be forced to endorse the Homosexual Agenda -- or else.

The Homosexual Lobby appears to be calling a lot of shots in the San Antonio area.

And coincidence or not, Christians in the area -- civilians and U.S. Airmen -- are suffering from the radical Homosexual Agenda.

Public Advocate is gathering support right now for our Religious Liberty Directive and working tirelessly to expose the homosexual abuses in uniform.

If you haven't yet, you can sign your Religious Liberty Directive by clicking here.

We can't let them get away with these anti-Family attacks on traditional marriage.

I hope I can continue to count on your support.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Will you chip in $5 or $10 to help Public Advocate fight the Homosexual Lobby on behalf of our brave pro-Family men and women in uniform?

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