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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hillary is fighting back

From Stop Hillary PAC:

Hillary Clinton is frantic, and she's fighting back.

It's been over a week since we filed an official complaint blowing the lid off of Hillary Clinton's illegal campaigning and just as we feared, the bureaucrats at the Federal Election Commission have gone silent.

Even after a wave of media reports from CNN, Politico, Washington Times, Daily Caller and many others laying out the allegations against Hillary -- not a peep from the federal government.

Frankly, I expect the next communication to be not from the Federal Election Commission -- but legal papers from Hillary Clinton and her attorneys.

As you know, the Clintons have a history of attacking those who try to hold them accountable.

So, I need your immediate advice and support in the next 48 hours.

Never before have I backed off when threatened by Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton AND their band of leftist bureaucrats.

You see, I helped start Stop Hillary PAC for one simple -- but very important reason -- to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States.

But now I'm faced with a critical decision and I need your advice.

Should I cave into the inevitable attacks from Bill and Hillary Clinton's lawyers and allow Hillary to become the next President of the United States?

Or should I stand up against Bill and Hillary, spend what is necessary to fight back, and continue working to defeat Hillary before she buys the presidency.

I need to hear from you within the next 48 hours.

If you agree I should fight -- and with every fiber of my being I hope and pray you do -- I must ask you to chip in with a contribution of $25 or more today.

Fighting Bill and Hillary Clinton (not to mention pushing federal bureaucrats to investigate Democrats) could cost us hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

If you support our fight, I'm asking you to chip in with a contribution of at least $25 or more today.

I have to make a final decision within days -- so please I need to hear from you within the next 48 hours.

If you want me to proceed with our efforts to defeat Hillary Clinton -- no matter how much it costs -- I must have YOUR IMMEDIATE FINANCIAL HELP.

However, if you think I should give up...and let Hillary become president...simply ignore this email.

You see, since coming into the public scene Bill and Hillary Clinton have gone rotten to the core -- lying, manipulating, and remolding the American political system.

And we have seen their game plan before, and here is what I expect.

They will drag us through the nearly endless mud of court proceedings: charge, countercharge, discovery, depositions, preliminary motions, written briefs, oral arguments, and appeal after appeal.

A horde of Democrat lawyers will be at Bill and Hillary's beck and call, backed by a dozens of support staff, from researchers to investigators all with millions of dollars to spend.

As I said, I have never backed off from a political fight.

BUT I MUST KNOW that I have you on my side to continue to fight.

If you want me to proceed with our efforts to defeat Hillary Clinton and hold her accountable for her violations of the law, I must have YOUR FINANCIAL HELP AND SUPPORT within the next 48 hours.

Without you, fighting Bill and Hillary will be a fool's errand.

But if you want me to fight on as I hope and pray you do, please chip in with a contribution of $25 or more -- immediately.

Hillary Clinton's resources are unlimited, and her henchmen and Super PAC allies are brutal -- so Stop Hillary PAC needs friends like you as never before.

The future of America -- and our ability to defeat Hillary Clinton -- is in your hands.

Please give me your advice and support...today.

Ted Harvey
Senator Ted Harvey (R)
Colorado State Senator
Co-Founder, Stop Hillary PAC

P.S. I need your immediate advice.

P.S.S. If we are going to defeat Hillary Clinton I need your urgent financial commitment today. Please contribute at least $25 immediately. If you think we should let Hillary become the next president of the United States -- simply ignore this email. - Ted

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