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Friday, December 19, 2014

Campaign For Liberty success stories

From Campaign For Liberty:

What a difference a month makes.

Or, more accurately, what a difference Campaign for Liberty members make!

In mid-November, as Congress was returning for its lame-duck session, it looked like House and Senate leadership would sneak an online gambling ban into law by attaching it to “must-pass” legislation, such as the end-of-year spending bill.

It also looked like the special interests had gotten the House and Senate leadership to agree to a backroom deal to sneak the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act” (more accurately named the National Internet Tax Mandate) into law.

But C4L members like you refused to sit idly by.

C4L flooded the House and the Senate with grassroots voices and action, letting legislators know that - contrary to the statist’s hopes - we had not gone “home for the holidays.”

Instead, we made it clear we were going to keep the pressure on Congress throughout the lame duck in support of liberty and limited government.

Because of the actions of Campaign for Liberty members, the Lame Duck Congress has adjourned without passing either the online gambling ban or the National Internet Tax Mandate!

Defeating two lame-duck power grabs that most political experts thought were done deals is an almost unheard-of feat, considering that these types of deals usually sail through a Lame Duck Congress with little or no opposition.

But you and I proved the so-called “experts” wrong . . .

. . . just like we did in September when, thanks to the efforts of C4L members, the House of Representatives not only once again passed Audit the Fed but did so by a bigger margin than in 2012!

This success would not be possible without the support and involvement of Campaign for Liberty members like you.

But as great as these victories are, we cannot rest on our laurels.

We know the statists won’t give up.

Campaign for Liberty staffers are already laying the groundwork to continue our so-far successful efforts to block the online gambling ban and Internet Tax Mandate, as well as take advantage of the opportunity to finally get a Senate roll call vote on Audit the Fed.

But because we have had to spend so many resources blocking the National Internet Tax Mandate and the Internet gambling ban, promoting Audit the Fed, and taking on other battles, I am afraid we simply do not have the funds to continue to be so effective at stopping statism and advancing liberty without your help.

So could you please make a special contribution of $30, $20, or $10 today?

As you know, the National Internet Tax Mandate is backed by some of the country’s largest corporations, who are prepared to spend whatever it takes to pass this law that would crush their smaller competitors.

And this coalition working to increase government control over the Internet and your wallet has already made it clear they will be back next year.

The online gambling ban, backed by one billionaire casino owner who is also one of the country’s largest political donors, will also return.

This donor has made it clear he will spend whatever it takes — as well as use the leverage his past donations give him — to make sure Americans who choose to gamble have no choice but to do so inside a casino.

We have already heard that this billionaire has personally told House Speaker John Boehner how “disappointed” he is by the House’s failure to do his bidding in the lame-duck session.

We’ve also heard that House Republican Leadership is already working on getting this bill moving next year.

And while Audit the Fed may be supported by nearly 75% of the American people, its opposition includes the nation’s most powerful (and wealthy) banksters and Wall Street special interests.

These interests benefit from Federal Reserve secrecy and are desperate to thwart our efforts to Audit the Fed.

Considering the odds stacked against us, it is amazing we have made as much progress as we have.

But unless we can replenish our bank accounts soon, we may not be able to give these fights everything we need to win.

That is why I hope you I can count on you to make a special contribution of $30 today.

If that is too much, could I count on you for a contribution of $20 or even $10?

Anything you can give will be appreciated and will help us make sure we are able to implement our most effective programs to keep blocking the online gambling ban and the National Internet Tax Mandate while making further progress on Audit the Fed.

Stopping the online gambling ban and the National Internet Tax Mandate in the lame duck is a great victory for which every member of Campaign for Liberty should be proud.

Working together, you and I defeated some of the most powerful special interests in the country — including one of the nation's biggest and most well-connected political donors.

But in order to continue that success, we need to replenish our bank accounts immediately.

So please make a contribution of $30, $20, or $10 right away to help us take a strong stand for freedom.

Thank you once again for all your support of Campaign for Liberty.

These victories would not have been possible without the support of pro-liberty Americans like you.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Campaign for Liberty members once again defied the political “experts” by defeating efforts to sneak the online gambling ban and the National Internet Tax Mandate into law during the lame duck.

This was a remarkable win considering the powerful forces aligned against us, and it is due to the efforts of Campaign for Liberty members like you.

However, the proponents of these power grabs are not going away.

In fact, we’ve heard that House Republican Leadership is already working on getting the online gambling ban moving next year.

And the special interests behind the National Internet Tax Mandate have made it clear they will be back next Congress.

Campaign for Liberty staffers have already started drawing up plans to once again block these and other statist power grabs, as well as to take advantage of our best chance ever to finally get a Senate vote on Audit the Fed.

But we just don’t have enough resources right now to wage the vigorous fight needed to keep the victories going.

So if you can today, please make a special contribution of $30, $20, or $10 to help C4L continue to stand up to the establishment and promote liberty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done C4L folks! And eMainStreet members as well! Real grassroots efforts killed the astroturf and truck loads of money on the other side that outspent anti-MFA efforts 25 to 1! Marketplace Fairness efforts are not going away though. Expect a new horrible bill by Chaffetz and McCarthy next year called the Remote Transaction Parity Act. Hopefully Goodlatte will get his bill ready for vote to end all this nonsense. In the meantime, brush up on your debating skills by watching 2 minute videos here: http://emainstreet.org/videos