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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oppose NSA spying

From Fight For The Future:

Dear Fight for the Future member,

Congress must think we’re easily fooled, or just not watching. That’s the only explanation.

Dianne Feinstein and a team of NSA cheerleaders in Congress are trying to sneak through a fake NSA reform bill that would actually give the government more power to continuously monitor our phone calls, text messages, email, and internet usage.

The most important thing to do right now: click here to stop fake fixes to NSA spying in its tracks.

If you think the NSA’s programs are bad now, wait until you see what they’d do with even more legal authority to spy on us in secret.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t really want to find out what they would do with unprecedented legal authority.

Click here to tell Congress that you’re NOT easily tricked. Demand that your reps stop the fake NSA fix from moving any further and pass real laws that end mass surveillance.

For the first time ever, public opinion is totally on our side -- but Congress can be super sneaky. The Senate Intelligence Committee debated and modified Feinstein’s bill in secrecy, and already they’ve been spreading misinformation about it, claiming that it ends NSA bulk collection when really it expands and protects it.

It’s up to us to make sure that our friends and family aren’t fooled by NSA defenders. Forward this email to anyone who might sign, and use the buttons below to share.

We can kill this bill. But we can’t waste any time. The NSA’s defenders have already rammed this through the Intelligence Committee (who are supposed to be keeping the NSA in check), and it will be heading for a vote on the Senate floor soon.

Click here to tell your lawmakers not to be fooled by the fake NSA fix.

Thanks for all you do.


Fight for the Future

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