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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Repeal Obamacare

From The National League of Taxpayers:

President Obama and his big-spending pals in Washington have been piling on to our national debt with every passing day.

And they’re sparing no expense when it comes to the massive federal-government boondoggle known as ObamaCare.

Obama’s signature healthcare law is already costing the American Taxpayer BILLIONS of dollars.

Businesses across the country have been forced to scale back employee hours, or worse, cut them off completely from their payroll.

You see, American businesses are preparing for the tidal wave of taxes and regulations inside the ObamaCare monsoon.

Higher premiums; canceled coverage; lower quality healthcare . . .the list goes on.

Everyday another story surfaces on the plagues ObamaCare promises to bring.

I’m usually a "glass half full" kind of guy. But there’s nothing positive about a glass filled with endless debt and failure -- all funded on the taxpayers dime.

Plain and simple, the Obama Administration did not plan and prepare for one of the most important aspects of the President’s signature "accomplishment."

And once again our bloated federal government has proven they're incapable to oversee this massive and unprecedented expansion of power.

The fight to get rid of ObamaCare is far from over.

And through your support, the National League of Taxpayers is able to fight against this radical agenda every step of the way.


Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers

P.S. You and I have an opportunity.

Thanks to the government shutdown battles, we know specifically which Members of Congress to target, since we saw how the chips fell this last round.

If you and I generate enough pressure, lawmakers will hold the line against Obama and his big-government allies in Washington during the next ObamaCare fight.

Or they'll be learning a lesson in the power of angry voters next election.

If you have not already signed your "Repeal ObamaCare" petition, click here to do so right away.

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