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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Force an up and down vote on the National Right To Work Act

From the National Right to Work Committee:

Big Labor desperately wants to stop a vote at all costs.

In recent months, your emails, petitions, and postcards have flooded Capitol Hill offices, increasing the numbers of cosponsors on the National Right to Work Act, which has been reintroduced in the Senate as an amendment to another bill this week.

Senator Mitch McConnell was on the Senate Floor this morning calling for a vote, but union-label Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is going all-out to block the vote, so we need to turn up the heat.

Please call your U.S. Senators at once and urge to cast every vote in favor of the National Right to Work Act.

The National Right to Work Act gives every Senator the opportunity -- and the obligation -- to fight to restore to American workers the freedom to work free from union coercion. That freedom should never have been stripped from them in the first place. .

But you can bet the Big Labor hierarchy is putting tremendous pressure on every Senator to protect their power.

That's why it's vital you call your U.S. Senators right away, and urge them to vote for the National Right to Work Act on all votes.

Contact your Senators

You see, just getting a vote would be an enormous win/win situation for Right to Work supporters.

Poll after poll shows that 80 percent of Americans support the Right to Work principle.

So if Big Labor's allies in the Senate want to KILL our National Right to Work Act, they'll face the wrath of the voters when they are up for reelection.

Your help has been critical as we've built momentum for our cause.

Now in this critical moment, I need your help again.

And after calling your Senators, please consider chipping in with a contribution of $10 or more to help your National Right to Work Committee keep up the fight against Big Labor.

But most importantly, please call your Senators at once.

Please act right away. There's not a moment to lose.


Mark Mix

P.S. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are making a major push to get a vote on Right to Work on the Senate floor!

It's vital you call your U.S. Senators at once and urge to cast every vote in favor of the National Right to Work Act.

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