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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Put pressure on Senator Mitch McConnell to hold and up and down vote on Audit The Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

This is show time.

My insider sources on Capitol Hill tell me the U.S. Senate could be ready to vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S.264) later this fall.

With the Federal Reserve and their slick insider pals set to launch yet another massive PR blitz to SMEAR those who want their secrecy and cronyism finally forced into the limelight, I’m not leaving ANYTHING to chance.

You see, thanks to the generosity of a very charitable Campaign for Liberty supporter, I’m formally launching a massive $200,000 nationwide Matching Grant Challenge to finally EXPOSE the Federal Reserve!

That means every dollar you can give by September 30 will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

Will you accept the Matching Grant Challenge TODAY?

The truth is, there may never be a better time for you to dig deep to help Campaign for Liberty finally audit the Federal Reserve.

And it may never be more important.

You see, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the power to bring Audit the Fed up for a full floor vote – or bury it.

While running for re-election in 2014, he promised to allow a vote on Audit the Fed. And he’s currently a Senate cosponsor.

Now, it’s time for you and me to ensure he KEEPS his promises.

After all, you’ve seen the headlines about the economic turmoil in Greece. Debt-laden Puerto Rico is on the brink as well.

I’m afraid these are all just minor hiccups compared to what will happen here in the United States if you and I don’t finally rein in the Federal Reserve’s “print-now, ask-questions-later” policies NOW!

Today, the U.S. government’s national debt stands at $18.4 TRILLION.

Just in the past decade, it’s more than DOUBLED as Big Government members of BOTH parties have worked with the Federal Reserve in an ill-fated attempt to tax, spend, borrow, and print our way into prosperity.

It hasn’t worked. It will NEVER work.

All you and I have received in return is more debt, an economy teetering on the brink of collapse, and a new stock market bubble that’s ready to burst at any moment!

After holding short-term interest rates near zero for nearly ten years, what else can the Federal Reserve do when a new downturn hits?

I’m afraid the statists’ game plan only gets uglier from there. More bailouts. Stifling taxes. Outright CONFISCATION of bank deposits and retirement accounts.

That’s why it’s so critical we pass my Audit the Fed bill, introduced by my son Senator Rand Paul, NOW, while there’s still time.

If passed, my Audit the Fed bill would finally show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks;

*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, and REFUSE to accept it.

But Big Government members of BOTH parties in Congress are going to fight you and me with everything they have.

They know the Fed is Big Government’s linchpin.

Without the Fed printing money to pay the bills when taxing and borrowing don't make ends meet, there's no way the American people would accept the federal Leviathan we live under today.

That’s why this fight is so critical. That’s why Federal Reserve apologists and their allies in Congress are going to come after you and me with everything they have.

That’s why I’m counting on YOU.

Please accept this $200,000 Matching Grant Challenge and agree to chip in a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

Remember, your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

For example, a $100 contribution will be worth $200. A $50 gift is worth $100! And so on and so on.

Your generous contribution will help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on the U.S. Senate.

I’m ready to pull out all the stops.

That means not just mail and email, it means social media, Internet ads, radio, newspaper, and even TV ads, if I can raise the resources.

The whole nine yards.

This is the only way you and I are going to be able to stand up to the Federal Reserve’s SMEAR campaign.

The good news is, if you and I can just force a vote on Audit the Fed, I’m convinced there will be no stopping us.

Nearly 80% of the American people believe the Federal Reserve should be audited.

So U.S. Senators who choose to vote “NO” will be risking their political careers.

And if you and I pass this legislation, and President Obama chooses to issue a veto, there’s no doubt the Federal Reserve will become a MAJOR issue in the 2016 presidential race.

We can’t lose – if we can just force a vote.

Capitol Hill sources tell me that could happen later this fall. So it’s time to insist Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell keeps his promise to allow a vote.

I’m ready to take a sledgehammer to the Federal Reserve – the very foundation of Big Government in Washington, D.C.

But I’m counting on you to help me.

Please agree to chip in a generous gift today.

In fact, there’s never been a better time to give.

Remember, every dollar Campaign for Liberty can raise by September 30 will be matched, dollar-for-dollar!

But time is running out.

Please agree to chip in a generous contribution TODAY and accept this $200,000 Matching Grant Challenge.

Thank you in advance for your generous support.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. My Capitol Hill sources tell me the U.S. Senate could be ready to vote on my Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24/S.264) later this fall!

The Fed is set to launch an all-out SMEAR campaign to stop you and me.

That’s why I’m formally launching a massive $200,000 nationwide Matching Grant Challenge to finally EXPOSE the Federal Reserve!

Every dollar you can give today will be DOUBLED!

So please chip in a generous contribution at once!

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