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Friday, December 13, 2013

Sheriff Joe wins over recall effort

From Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

It took just about everything I had to beat the recall this year. But with your help,we beat the liberal opponents while standing up and staying true to our conservative ideals.

If my opponents perceive me as weak or in a weakened position there's nothing to stop them from launching another recall against me. And Ray, they have already publicly stated they would try to recall me again if they have the opportunity.

You and I both know the Democrats would love NOTHING more than to see me defeated. They have poured millions into Arizona to try and take me down before, and I need to be ready to stop them again.

I've got to have every single one of you with me. If you have ever donated to me before I need your donation again today.

Every dollar donated will go towards ensuring I have a strong, winning campaign ready to fight back against Obama's liberal army.

Unlike some politicians, I have never and will never compromise our beliefs just to get a few votes. I believe in protecting and serving our nation at all costs. But, the recall depleted our campaign's funds, and now as we enter the year's end, I need your immediate help.

The Democrats are looking to my campaign's funds as a sign of our strength. Your immediate donation today will send the Democrats a strong message about the strength we have.

Please join me in fighting back today.

- Sheriff Joe

To donate

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