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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Petition Congress to support the National Right To Work Act

From Rand2016:

Earlier today I introduced the National Right to Work Act as an amendment.

And a vote could come at any moment.

That's why I'm counting on your immediate action to help me turn up the pressure on my colleagues to force a vote on this crucial amendment.

You see, with control of Congress up for grabs this November, you and I need to get every member of the Senate on the record.

Ray, I couldn't imagine any Senator heading home to meet the voters and trying to explain why they voted against an amendment supported by nearly 80% of the American people.

So I hope you'll sign your emergency "End Forced Unionism" emergency fax petition right away.

This amendment is our best chance to halt forced union dues being used to elect tax-and-spend politicians like Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

But it's going to take a flood of grassroots support to force an on-the-record vote on my amendment.

Your action has made the difference before.

In fights to stop the national gun registry and President Obama's march to war in Syria, your action turned the tide when all the so-called "experts" claimed victory was beyond our reach.

A vote could come at any moment so please take action immediately by signing your "End Forced Unionism" emergency fax petition immediately.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul (R - Kentucky)

P.S. Earlier today I introduced the National Right to Work Act as an amendment.

A vote could come at any time so I hope I can count on you to sign your "End Forced Unionism" Emergency fax petition immediately.

After you sign your petition, please chip in a contribution so I can continue to lead the fight in the Senate for worker freedom.

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