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Friday, April 24, 2020

Up the ante

This does change things. In a previous article, I wrote about the coronavirus and China's military. Now we see China's military being used in the region Tim Pool was talking about. Russia has involved itself as well. Apparently, Putin is still upset that we funded and armed Ukraine and now he is letting us know. Iran is siding with China even though the coronavirus took out a lot of high ranking members of the Iranian government. Apparently, Iran's hatred toward us for supporting a monarch that died over 30 years ago is so intense that they will excuse the recent deaths caused by a virus that China unleashed upon the world. A monarch that a large portion of the Iranian population only knows from history books. However, I'm sure these same young Iranians wept over the deaths of their older relatives killed by the coronavirus that was a "gift" from their ally, China. The only thing that is incorrect is the "re-claiming" of Taiwan. The communist government in Beijing has no legitimate claim to Taiwan because Taiwan was never the property of the communist government. Taiwan has never been governed by the communist party in Beijing in any way. For China to say they are "re-claiming" Taiwan is the like the US "re-claiming" Brazil. China has no legitimate argument nor do they have a legitimate claim to Taiwan. This is just a bullying maneuver. They are attempting to see if they can get away with it. On the good guy side thanks to Australia for watching our back. The Australians have shown us they're good friends. I'm sure the South Korean navy has our back as well. North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is the x-factor. He has been described as "incapacitated". He is no friend to America. His death, if it occurs, maybe to our advantage. If he is incapacitated who is running North Korea? Let's see how this unfolds.

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