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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Happy birthday, America and a word from the losers

Yesterday was July Fourth. America's birthday. A revolution we had a won. We achieved independence from a very powerful global empire that was oppressing us. We cheered in the streets while we said:

Of course, there are two sides to every story. What is the British viewpoint of the American Revolution? I was reading this article on George Takei's website. Yes, Mr. Sulu George Takei. There is a lot of silence in Great Britain concerning this subject. However, there are Brits that did speak up about it. Some I found interesting and I wanted to respond to them.

To Americans the War of Independence was obviously a huge conflict that lead to the founding of a nation. To British - we have so much other military history (mainly Roman invasion, Norman conquest, 100 year war, War of the Roses, Spanish Armada, English Civil War, Battle of Trafalgar/Waterloo, WW1, WW2 to name a few) that it barely gets a mention.

To Britons, We have a rich military history too. The War of 1812-USA versus Great Britain, American Civil War, WW1.WW2-to save Britain's ass,Vietnam-Americans discuss Vietnam and we move beyond it. Too bad you cannot do the same. There is also the Korean War, The Persian Gulf War, The Iraqi War, The Spanish American War and a possible second Civil War.

We also cover non-military history (e.g. Kings/Queens of England, life during medieval period, Henry VIII founding the Church of England, Slavery, British Empire, Industrial Revolution) and learn a little about Ancient History (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Celts)

We discuss Presidents: past, present and future. We also discuss members of Congress and the Senate. We've read about your lives in medieval times. The Founding Fathers drafting the Declaration Of Independence and Constitution. Slavery too. American sovereignty and sustainability. Yes on the Industrial Revolution and ancient history too.

There's a lot to squeeze in that is arguably more relevant to UK's development as a nation so we don't really cover it.

Not to mention it is a bigtime embarrassment.

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