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Monday, October 4, 2021

California children in great danger

California’s Governor Newsom has not wasted any time paying back Joe Biden for his help in defeating the recall effort.

The Biden Administration poured mountains of time and resources into California to keep this radical Governor in office.

And now, Newsom is forcing critical elements of Biden’s perverse sexual agenda into law.

The newest California law, AB 1184, will “allow” minors to conceal dangerous medical surgeries from their parents.

Yes, you read that right.

Preteen children are now able to schedule “gender transition” surgeries without the consent or knowledge of their parents!

Medical staff and even insurance companies are now BANNED from reporting any of these details to the parents of a child.

Of course, at 12 years old, it’s not really the child who’s pushing the “transgender” issue in their life.

It’s rogue school teachers, counselors and Hollywood celebrities coercing young children into questioning their own gender.

Now these child predators can send students under their care off for dangerous and permanent alterations to their bodies -- all kept secret from parents!

And there are some very dangerous people in the California school system.

One Orange County teacher was thankfully removed by parents when she bragged that her students were “pledging allegiance to the gay flag.”

As you know, the Biden Administration has made the sexual and gender abuse of children a top priority.

One of Biden’s first acts upon seizing the White House was to order all public school athletics to allow “transgender” boys to compete against the girls.

School districts across the country are coordinating with Biden's Department of Education to force Gender Corruption Theory into classrooms at every opportunity.

Parents and teachers who have protested these abusive policies have been threatened, harassed and even arrested.

Stripping parents of any power over the medical care of their children is clearly a key agenda for the Biden Administration.

So it’s no coincidence that Newsom signed this bill into law immediately after surviving the recall effort.

He owes Biden big for that win.

But, right now, the Homosexual Lobby and the White House are getting worried.

Public Advocate has led and inspired parental revolts in School Board meetings across the country.

Parents are speaking out in greater and greater numbers.

For instance, Texas just legally classified all “gender transitioning” procedures for children as criminal Child Abuse!

By adopting the legal language that Public Advocate has promoted for years, Texas has thrown a huge roadblock down to stop the advance of the radical Homosexual Agenda.

States across the country are now considering taking up similar language for their own child protection codes.

Texas and California now stand as diametrically opposed as they can on this issue.

In Texas, it is illegal even to remain silent if you know someone plans to mutilate a child just to “affirm gender identity.”

In California, it is illegal to even inform the parents that their young child is about to have life-altering surgery.

This is the choice that America as a nation faces.

And it’s up to Public Advocate -- to you and me -- to make sure our country protects our children.

Right now, we are collecting petitions from across the country in support of the Texas Child Abuse update.

We are bypassing Washington, D.C. entirely and going directly to local governments.

As one Ohio Mayor declared, the Homosexual Agenda for children is criminal and should be criminalized.

So please, click here to sign our petition to Stop the Transgender Child Abuse.

And after you sign, please consider chipping in a quick donation to fund our fight against this insidious agenda.

For the Family, Eugene Delgaudio HON. EUGENE DELGAUDIO President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. California's Governor has just signed a new bill into law that keeps gender mutilating surgeries for children secret from their parents!

These procedures are child abuse and should be criminalized everywhere.

Sign your petition right now to Stop the Transgender Abuse of Children.

And after you sign, please consider what you can spare to help us fight this abhorrent agenda.

*** Public Advocate is a non-profit 501(c)(4) that fights for the Family. As such, we do not endorse or oppose any candidate for office.

Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax-deductible. Public Advocate is a non-profit organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone (703) 845-1808; https://www.publicadvocateusa.org.

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