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Monday, October 31, 2016

A message from NORML

Hi, I'm Rick Steves, TV travel show host and a proud member of NORML's Board of Directors. I've just returned from doing a barnstorming speaking tour in both Maine and Massachusetts to help build support for their legalization initiatives. It was an exhilarating week, meeting and talking with the good folks in those states, getting lots of great press, and feeling the excitement build in advance of what we expect will be victories in both states.

I'm investing my time and money in these latest state initiatives because I've seen first-hand the damage done to so many good, hard-working Americans because of a marijuana arrest. And we've got such a powerful message to share now that we have a solid legalization track record in my home state of Washington, and in Colorado and Oregon: teen use does not go up, crime does not go up, and DUIs do not go up. The only thing that goes up is tax revenue and citizens exercising their civil liberty to smoke marijuana recreationally.

I'm doing my part to help end prohibition and all the damage it does to our society, will you stand with me in this fight?

Our political opponents and the big money special interests they represent, including both the alcohol and the pharmaceutical industries, are investing millions of dollars to stop us:
$3.5 million from Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson to oppose legalization in Arizona, Nevada and Massachusetts.

$500,000 from opioid producer Insys to fight legalization in Arizona.
$75,000 from the Beer Distributors of Massachusetts and the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Massachusetts to oppose legalization in Massachusetts.
$10,000 from the Arizona Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association to oppose legalization in Arizona.

And that's just to name a few.

We don't have deep pocketed special interests funding our work, but we do have something more important and powerful ... YOU!

So please, match my support and make a donation to NORML today and help us ensure that we not only win these current battles, but that we continue to expand the list of legalization states all across this country in 2017 and beyond.

Together, we have the power to end marijuana prohibition once and for all.
Let's do it. Thanks!
Rick Steves

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