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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Help the National League Of Taxpayers oppose Obamacare

From The National League Of Taxpayers:

President Obama’s 29 time pledge that “if you like your current [health insurance] plan, you can keep it” is working out to be the lie of the year.

5 million people have already lost their insurance plans so far, with studies estimating up to 129 million by the time the law is fully implemented.

Florida alone has seen 425,000 people lose their coverage, and California has seen a whopping 900,000 people.

But sometimes numbers can seem cold and detached, so allow me to put a human face to the Obamacare catastrophe.

For South Carolina cancer patient Bill Elliot, Obamacare is literally a matter of life or death.

Prior to Obamacare, Bill was already receiving the right doctors and treatment under his health insurance for a reasonable cost.

But because his insurance did not comply with Obamacare, his plan is gone and the new Obamacare options are far too expensive.

Mr. Elliot says Obamacare has left him no option but to “let nature take its course.”

Another one of Obamacare’s losers is Edie Sundby, a stage-4 gallbladder cancer patient.

Edie says her health insurance plan was excellent with providing the doctors and treatment that she needs.

But Obamacare has booted her out of her old plan too.

The only plans now available to her on the exchange forces her to give up the doctors and emergency services that she has relied upon for years to keep her alive.

She says “Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world class physician.”

Obama’s so-called “signature legislation” is doing untold damage to millions of Americans and forcing many to make life or death decisions.

The fact is, not only is Obamacare fiscally unsound, it doesn’t even help.

There is no amount of tinkering that can repair the damage that this law will do.

And your National League of Taxpayers will not give up the fight for a full repeal of Obamcare.

You can help by clicking here to sign your petition to your Congressman and Senators urging them to repeal Obamcare in its entirety.

If we band together, we shall ultimately leave this monstrous law in the ash heap of history.


Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers

P.S. If you haven't yet signed your petition to repeal ObamaCare, please click here.

Sign the petition


Anonymous said...

You are a bunch of Crooks!!! You don't care about the "CITIZENS of the us or the taxpayers. Just your own greedy propaganda agendas!!! You offer NO real solution to the healthcare crisis YOU CROOKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the only comment came from a crazy liberal!