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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Support Congressman Thomas Massie

From Ron Paul:

Are you tired of politicians that talk about smaller government and more personal liberties, but don’t deliver?

I know I am and in my years in Washington, I saw it all the time.

However, in the last few years, I have seen a few bright spots.

My good friend Thomas Massie is one of those bright spots. He has been a true friend of liberty.

The establishment doesn’t like this and has pledged to spend $50 million or more to defeat constitutional conservative candidates.

That’s why the grassroots is holding a “Common Sense” Money Bomb beginning January 10th.

You see, January 10th is the anniversary of the publishing of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.

Will you please donate as generously as possible to Thomas’ “Common Sense Money Bomb?

I know first-hand how powerful the grassroots can be. It was all of you that helped to bring in over $6 million in one day in December 2007 for my presidential campaign.

As a freshman, Thomas has stood up to the establishment and fought against the unwise Internet Sales Tax scheme.

He has continually fought for personal liberties by introducing legislation to ban domestic drones, and forced the House to vote ending the NSA’s domestic spying program.

We need more members of Congress like him.

So will you please read Congressman Massie’s email below and then donate as generously as you can to his “Common Sense” Money Bomb?

Please act today!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

To support Congressman Thomas Massie

From Congressman Thomas Massie:

“Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice.” – Thomas Paine

I could not agree more with Thomas Paine’s words. I did not campaign for Congress to be invited to all the A-list DC parties.

I ran for Congress and came to D.C. because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted fight for smaller government, more personal liberties and to protect our constitutional rights.

I have not and will not waiver on those beliefs. And because of that, establishment groups have placed a target on my back.

You see, these groups don’t like that I, and some other liberty-minded Members of Congress won’t vote to spend money we don’t have and take away more of our rights.

These groups have pledged to spend up to $50 million to defeat Congressmen like me.

Since yesterday, the grassroots have been holding a “Common Sense” Money Bomb to help my campaign.

Will you please join them by contributing as generously as you can to my “Common Sense” Money Bomb?

Together, you and I can show the DC establishment that America is ready for a change.

You and I can show them that the status quo is no longer acceptable.

You and I can show them that we need a federal government that is smaller and protects our civil liberties, not violate them at every turn.

This is going to be a tough fight to win and I will not moderate my principles to placate the D.C. establishment.

But I need your help.

Will you please contribute as generously as you can to my “Common Sense” Money Bomb?

Please act today!


Thomas Massie

P.S. The establishment hopes I will moderate my principles. I am here to tell you I will not.

Will you please help me show them that this country is ready for a change by donating as generously as you can to my “Common Sense” Money Bomb?

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