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Friday, April 10, 2015

Oppose forced unionism

From The National Right To Work Committee:

Please complete your 2015 Membership Ballot immediately.

It’s vital that you do so at once.

You see, every year your National Right to Work Committee surveys its members to make sure our programs line up with your priorities.

This year, with Obama appointees at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) emboldened to use any bureaucratic weapon in their arsenal to shut down your National Right to Work Committee, your participation is more important than ever.

When I last wrote to you warning of the threat posed by the Obama FEC and IRS, the response from Committee members was an overwhelming: "Fight On!"

As I explained, the FEC and IRS union boss water-carriers could bury your Right to Work Committee under a mountain of harassing subpoenas over our efforts to inform opponents of forced-unionism which Senators and Congressmen support Right to Work . . .

. . . And which ones don’t.

In the past, Big Labor’s cronies at the FEC have concocted rules which refuse to recognize that you are a "real" member of the National Right to Work Committee.

They have repeatedly insisted that you aren’t entitled to the same rights under the U.S. Constitution accorded to members of other organizations.

From what my attorneys tell me, the Committee’s position will be strongest if as many members as possible certify each year that they currently consider themselves to be members of the National Right to Work Committee.

As you know, the FEC bureaucracy attacked the Committee for exposing corruption involving candidates for federal office and top-level union officials.

That’s why your 2015 Membership Ballot -- demonstrating that we do have members -- may be essential in fighting off any retaliatory legal challenges to our membership.

Can you please take a few minutes to complete your 2015 Membership Ballot?

Completing your Membership Ballot is also very important for another reason.

In the next few weeks, I face some big decisions and I need your advice.

As you well know, in recent years, you and I have fought many battles with forced-unionism advocates in state legislatures and in Congress.

Right to Work supporters in Indiana and Michigan overcame Big Labor’s forced-dues-fueled leviathan and passed Right to Work laws, restoring to workers in these states the right to earn a living without having to pay dues and fees to a union boss.

And in Wisconsin, Big Labor took a huge hit when the state become America's 25th Right to Work state.

Then just think about the national battles you and I have had with Big Labor in the last several years.

Time and again, Card Check Forced-Unionism -- Big Labor’s favorite tool to corral workers into dues-paying ranks -- has reared its ugly head in Congress and in bureaucratic rule-making.

And let’s not forget the efforts of Right to Work members to force roll-call votes in the U.S. House and Senate on our National Right to Work Act.

Through petitions and postcards, phone calls, e-mails and letters to their Congressmen and Senators, opponents of forced-unionism have fought Big Labor’s forced-dues power.

Then in recent election years, you and folks like you mobilized a Right to Work citizen army to turn up the heat on candidates before the elections, demanding they pledge total opposition to forced-unionism.

And just look at what happened last year . . .

. . . Eight new pro-Right to Work Senators replaced forced-dues advocates, some of whom represented Big Labor’s interests for decades.

Now it’s up to you and me to build on our successes and move forward with the plan to put every member of Congress on record for or against compulsory unionism.

Unfortunately, as I try to budget for 2015, your National Right to Work Committee accounts have been drained -- first from our efforts to secure roll-call votes on the National Right to Work Act and then from last year’s massive 2014 Issue Education and Mobilization Program.

So I need your advice on allocating the Committee’s funds.

Should I emphasize a campaign for federal legislation rolling back Big Labor’s forced-unionism power in Congress?

Or should protecting and advancing Right to Work in the states be top priority?

Or should your Committee try to fight both nationally and on the state level?

Let me explain my dilemma.

With Right to Work gains in both the U.S. House and Senate, now is the time to put every member of Congress on record on the forced-unionism issue by forcing a roll-call vote in both Houses of Congress on the National Right to Work Act.

As you know, a National Right to Work law would mean that no worker could be forced to join or pay dues to a labor union just to get or keep a job.

And just getting a roll-call vote would be a win/win scenario for opponents of compulsory unionism.

After all, every time in the past five decades that Big Labor’s pet politicians have been exposed to the nearly 80% of Americans who think forced union dues are just plain wrong, they have gone down in flames at the ballot box.

And 2016 could be an even worse year for forced-dues advocates than 2014.

That’s why I believe you and I must do everything we can to FORCE Congress to go on record for or against the National Right to Work Act.

But this fight won’t be easy -- or cheap.

So I’m counting on your support, and your advice.

You see, in addition to battles in Congress, Right to Work supporters face some tough challenges as well as tremendous opportunities on the state level.

In addition to protecting Right to Work laws in Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa and Nevada, now is the time to use our momentum to extend Right to Work to other states like Kentucky, Montana, New Mexico, New Hampshire and Maine, as well as in a host of other states where the political climate is ripe for freeing workers from the shackles of forced-unionism.

The fact is, after years of hard work, two states, Indiana and Michigan, became Right to Work states in 2012 -- something that hasn’t happened since 1954!

If two states deep in the heart of the union boss dominated Rust Belt can pass Right to Work, I’m confident other states can as well.

So, should I emphasize a federal campaign, concentrating on forcing a roll-call vote on the National Right to Work Act?

Or should going on offense to pass new state Right to Work laws be our top priority?

Or should the Committee try to fight both nationally and on the state level?

Now, I’m sure you agree that it’s vital you and I do everything we can to put all members of Congress on record for or against forced-unionism.

So, if you think our federal legislative program should take priority, mark "FEDERAL LEGISLATION" on your Membership Ballot.

But before you do, give some thought to what’s at stake in the state legislatures.

Shouldn’t you and I strike while the iron is hot in states where it may be possible to pass Right to Work laws?

But we can’t leave current Right to Work states undefended in order to gain new ones.

So should defending state Right to Work laws and working to end forced-unionism in promising states be a top priority?

If you think so, mark "STATE LEGISLATION" on your ballot.

I’m sure you can see why I’m torn . . .

. . . And why I’m writing to ask you for your advice -- and, I hope, for your increased financial support.

Unless I can generate a major influx of funds at the beginning of this year, I will be forced to cut back on both federal and state legislative programs.

The fact is, with the tremendous opportunities you and I have in the current political climate, abandoning the field now would be heartbreaking.

With 11 million American workers shouldering Big Labor’s yoke, you and I cannot give up the fight now.

So can I count on you to chip in with a contribution NOW equal to or even larger than $10?

Thanks to the Committee’s 2014 Issue Education and Mobilization Program, you and I are now closer than ever to forcing votes on -- and ultimately passing -- a National Right to Work Law to free workers nationwide from the shackles of compulsory unionism.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to reach deep and make a contribution large enough for us to keep fighting in Congress and the state legislatures.

And why I hope you’ll consider chipping in with a generous contribution of $10, $20, or at least $30.

But whatever you can afford, please send it right away so I’ll know how to budget for the coming year.

Your advice and support are critical, so please submit your 2015 Membership Ballot as soon as possible. The Board of Directors and I anxiously await your reply.


Mark Mix

P.S. Your completed 2015 Membership Ballot may be essential in a court battle to protect the rights of members like you.

I need to hear from 100% of our membership. Please act today.

Along with your ballot, please chip in with a generous contribution of $10, $20, or at least $30. Without your support right now, you and I may miss a real opportunity to take the fight directly to Big Labor.

So, please sign your Membership Ballot with your contribution today.

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