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Friday, September 25, 2015

Support Ken Buck a man of principles

From Congressman Ken Buck:

When I ran for office, I committed to you that I would provide Conservative Leadership and an Independent Voice. That is exactly what I delivered.

Heritage Action rated me the most conservative Member of Congress. When it was necessary, I stood for my principles against leadership in my own party as an independent voice. My commitment has always been to put the interests of the 4th District of Colorado above anything else.

We have an important fundraising deadline at the end of the month. With leadership changes in Congress, we need a conservative vision now more than ever. Will you donate to support my campaign?

With all the challenges ahead, I will continue to provide conservative leadership and an independent voice in Washington, DC. Can you support us by donating $25, $50, or $100 today?

Thank you for your support!

P.S. Washington, DC is a mess and needs conservative leadership. Can you donate to our campaign today?

Ken Buck is against the nuclear deal with Iran.

Ken Buck is a man of principles. As a prosecutor Ken Buck refused to prosecute a young man that was falsely accused of rape. He saw through little Miss Liar's lies and wanted nothing to do with it. Feminist groups have hated him ever since. This is a stand up guy. You may want to keep in Congress where he can do some good.

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