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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hillary is running for President

From Stop Hillary PAC:

Despite her "on the record" denials of any intent to run for President of the United States...Stop Hillary PAC recently obtained a leaked email PROVING that Hillary Clinton IS running for President.

The email is ominous for 3 very important reasons: 1.It was reported by The Drudge Report, the renowned news website made famous for breaking the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair;

2.The author of the email is Wesley Clark, former Army General and longtime Clinton confidant and member of her inner political circle; and

3.It provided unequivocal evidence that Hillary Clinton intends to be the 45th President of the United States and is already building a massive political machine to achieve that goal.

The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton, indeed, has her sights on becoming the next President of the United States so that she can continue the destructive liberal policies of Barack Obama.

And, we simply cannot allow that to happen.

Simply put, we need you on our team of patriots from across the country who are unified in our mission to STOP HILLARY in her tracks.

You can begin your opposition efforts today by clicking here and completing the enclosed STOP HILLARY POLL and returning it to me today.

Your STOP HILLARY POLL simply asks one question:


It's a simple question... but one that is more important than you might think.

You see, while millions of Americans will answer a resounding "NO" to that question... as you can see from the leaked email I enclosed today... there is at least one person that would answer with an enthusiastic "YES!" and intends to do something about it.

That's right. That person is none other than Hillary Clinton herself.

Make no mistake. Hillary Clinton desperately wants to become the 45th President of the United States and is already putting in place the machinery needed to make a run.

And a President Hillary Clinton would be the worst thing for this country since... well, President Barack Obama.

Simply put... we cannot stand on the sidelines and allow Hillary Clinton an unfettered path to the Presidency.

That's why I'm asking you to click here and join Stop Hillary PAC today taking part in this critical poll.

The hard work of exposing her for what she truly is -- a scandal-ridden, destructive, big government liberal intent on shaking the very foundations upon which our country was built - MUST begin today.

We cannot wait until next year, next month or even tomorrow. Time is truly short... and we MUST begin today.

Please, let me explain.

Just do a quick Google search on Hillary Clinton and you'll discover a vast debris field of political scandal, wreckage and carnage.

Remember Benghazi?

And if these scandals and track-record of ineptitude weren't enough to convince you, then consider her politics: •Hillary voted for and supports huge budget deficits that is bankrupting our country;

•Hillary supports Bill Clinton's gun ban legislation, banning assault weapons and creating a national gun registry;

•Hillary supports amnesty for illegal

•Hillary has supported higher taxes on virtually every segment of society justifying them by saying, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good";

•Hillary supports forcing workers to join unions as a condition of their employment; and

•Hillary supports taxpayer funding of abortions and also supports the most horrific late term abortions.
Really, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on and on with ultra-liberal position after ultra-liberal position of Hillary Clinton.

Whatever the case... this much is clear: Hillary Clinton would make a disastrous President and she must be defeated.

And defeating Hillary Clinton is exactly why we began Stop Hillary PAC earlier this year.

So will you click here and take part in this critical poll.?/strong>

We have identified you as someone that we WANT on our team. Will you join the Stop Hillary PAC team today?

If your answer to that question is an enthusiastic "YES!" I ask for you to do 2 things for me today:

1. Click here and answer our one-question STOP HILLARY POLL that asks "DO YOU THINK HILLARY CLINTON WOULD MAKE A GOOD PRESIDENT?"

2. Make a generous contribution of at least $5 to Stop Hillary PAC today.

We will report your answer to our poll question to every mainstream media outlet in the country.

I'm sure it will come as quite a shock to them that Hillary Clinton is not the darling of the country that they make her out to be.

And, your generous donation will go right to the frontlines of our battle to Stop Hillary Today... not next year, not next month... BUT TODAY!

And that is why our goal is to raise $2 million between now and November.

If we can DOUBLE the fundraising take of the pro-Hillary PAC, the mainstream media and Americans across the country will be forced to take notice and Hillary will be exposed.

But, again... we can't achieve this goal without your support. So, please, join our team by making a donation of at least $5 to Stop Hillary.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email to you today. I firmly believe that stopping Hillary must be priority #1 for our country. My hope and prayer is that, after reading my letter today, you will be convinced of that, as well, and join our team.

I greatly look forward to hearing from you today!

Thank you and May God Bless America!

Ted Harvey

Senator Ted Harvey (R)
Colorado State Senator
Co-Founder, Stop Hillary PAC

P.S. Make no mistake...Hillary Clinton desperately wants to be the 45th President of the United States. However, as I pointed out in my letter to you today, nothing could be worse for our country. So, please, join our team today by making a donation to Stop Hillary PAC of at least $5.

take the poll

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