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Monday, February 10, 2014

IRS wants to muzzle citizen's groups

From The National League of Taxpayers:

The Obama administration hasn't been able to shut us up.

So now they are trying to shut us down . . . and hide Obama's fellow tax-and-spend politicians from grass-roots activists.

As you know, prior to every election, the National League of Taxpayers and its members pour on the heat to expose politicians who try to hide their votes for higher taxes and spending.

Now, President Obama's IRS has invented regulations that ignore the Constitution, ignore the freedom of speech, and threaten to shut us down.

Obama's proposal threatens criticism of any sort and would subject your National League of Taxpayers to IRS audits and harassment if we publish:

Communications that are made within 60 days of a general election (or within 30 days of a primary election) and clearly identify a candidate or political party.

IRS Regulation IR-2013-92]

In other words: No public scrutiny by organized citizen groups before an election.

This is the dream of every politician who believes we should do nothing to rein in our massive $17 trillion national debt.

The Obama Administration’s plan is to muzzle your National League of Taxpayers and other Tea Party groups right at our most effective time -- when the politicians are looking for votes.

This is a flat out assault on the Constitution's guarantee of our freedom of speech.

But because they’re using the tax code, they just might get away with it under the government’s right to tax, just like they have so far with ObamaCare.

After all, only under tax law are you presumed guilty until proven innocent.

And if you and I don't have the right to organize grass-roots opposition to the position of our candidates for office, then the freedom of speech means nothing.

Here is what I urgently need you to do:

Please sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition against IRS Regulation IR-2013-92, which I'll link to in a moment.

Your signature authorizes me to file your opposition to IRS Regulation number "IR-2013-92" with the Federal Register.

You see, before Obama's regulatory proposal can go into effect, there is one prerequisite: By law he must publish the regulation in the Federal Register and give the public a chance to comment on it.

My goal is to both collect a minimum of 175,000 Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petitions that you can link to below BEFORE the February 27 Federal Register comment deadline and move forward to prepare a legal case against the rule.

And after you sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition, please consider a generous contribution of $15, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford to your National League of Taxpayers.

Now I must be honest about the purpose of your IRS Freedom of Speech Petition.

The real importance of your IRS petition is to help me lay the groundwork to ultimately win a Supreme Court lawsuit against Obama's unconstitutional infringement of our freedom of speech.

Showing that Obama’s bureaucrats completely ignored more than a hundred thousand petitions in opposition from NLT members and other concerned taxpayers will be an important part of our legal challenge.

Once the final regulation is published, I don't plan to waste any time in filing a lawsuit against President Obama's power grab.

I need to know that you're with me, so please sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition right now.

If the new regulations go into effect, I could face IRS audits, harassment, and even jail time, every time I write you right before a primary or general election to tell you who how they vote.

Of course it is no wonder the tax-and-spend politicians like this new regulation. They don't want their constituents to know that:

***The deficit for 2013 was $680 billion with more than $8 trillion added to our debt since 2008;

***The real unemployment rate today is more than 14 percent with millions more workers relegated to part-time work;

***Social Security has already begun to run in the red;

***Medicare is ultimately destined to totally run out of money while private insurance rates are skyrocketing;

***And that they voted for the tax-and-spend boondoggles that got us here.

The National League of Taxpayers exposes all this and more, and with the help of members like you, floods the politicians with grass-roots pressure to cut spending precisely when they are out looking for votes.

Believe me, your grass-roots pressure can make a difference.

That's why it's crucial you sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition right away.

It would be dangerous to the future of this country to leave Obama's IRS looming over the heads of every group who would criticize Obama but don't have the resources to take a case all the way to the Supreme Court.

Believe me, all these legal expenses infuriate me.

If I have to divert funds which are budgeted for exposing tax-and-spend politicians and instead spend them fighting the IRS in court, it could cost us dearly in critical battles against the debt.

That's why it's vital you sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition.

After you sign, please chip in $15, $25, $50, $100, or even more if you can to your National League of Taxpayers.

Nothing will intimidate your NLT from implementing our full-blown election year, survey results program.

But now in addition to our election year program I must prepare for the additional expense of hiring the attorneys and beginning the legal research to fight President Obama in federal court.

And during the election season, while our lawsuit is working its way through the Courts, IRS harassment of your National League of Taxpayers could prove to be very costly.

Which is why your contribution -- whether $2500 or $25 -- is vital.

With your help, we WILL ultimately win, no matter how much time and money these legal assaults take.

Let me emphasize that although your contribution is vitally important, the most important thing I need you to do is to sign your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition.

If you can't give at the moment, I understand.

But whatever you do, I urge you to return your petitions before the February 27 Federal Register deadline and I'll see if someone else can help with the additional cost of attorneys and petition gathering.

And if you can, a sacrificial gift of $35 or even $100 or $500 now could protect our freedom of speech and will help us fight whatever fiscal battles lie ahead in the years to come.

So please respond right away with your signed Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition.

And please help with a contribution of at least $25 or $35. Some people will be able to send as much as $500 or more. Others have sent $50 and $100.

But no matter how much you send, whether it's $15 or $150, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.

That's why I urge you to act immediately and send your contribution of $1000, $500, $100, $50, or at least $25 if you can prior to the February 27 IRS deadline.

Your contribution to the National League of Taxpayers and your signed petition will lay the groundwork for a clear legal precedent prohibiting President Obama from using the IRS to trample on the free speech rights of his critics.


Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers

P.S. The grass-roots pressure you generate is the key to teaching waffling politicians that there are political consequences to piling tax dollars onto the national debt.

We can't let Obama use the IRS to shelter himself and his tax-and-spend allies from criticism during the election season.

Please return your Taxpayer Freedom of Speech Petition, along with your contribution of $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford.

Sign the petition

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