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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hillary is running for President,we need to stop her

From Stop Hillary PAC:

There is not any time left so let me be blunt.

Hillary Clinton is running for President.

And in less that 48 hours Hillary Clinton herself will be looking through our financial report to see if the American people will rise up against her run...or if we are going to accept the inevitable and just give her the presidency.

If we can file a strong report -- Hillary will know she has a fight on her hands.

But if you ignore this email and set it aside -- Hillary will see a weak report and be encouraged in her campaign for the presidency.

My friend, Stop Hillary PAC is the ONLY organization solely dedicated to end Hillary's political career.

Will you please make an emergency EXPRESS donation to end Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency?

click here to donate

There are only hours left. And Hillary is watching.

Please do all you can.

Benghazi. Remember that? Now I hear reports that Hillary did more than just fumbled the ball she flat out denied help to our ambassador in Libya. That means Hillary left those men TO DIE. She must not be allowed anywhere near the Presidency. Donate to Stop Hillary PAC today.

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