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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pot prohibitionists assist organized crime

If you've ever watched The O'Reilly Factor up to this point you know that one of the things that O'Reilly harps about is marijuana. He is the fucking Carrie Nation of the 21st Century on this. He and I am on the same page when it comes to children using it but when it comes to adult recreational use he needs to back off. During the height of the drug war in the '80's it was Bill Maher who said to prohibitionist Nancy Reagan: "Fuck you,Nancy. Some people need that after work joint". The one thing that O'Reilly never brings up is long time damage by marijuana use. I mean if the truth was on the prohibitionists' side they would have no problem bringing this up. So why doesn't O'Reilly bring up fatalities or those damaged by marijuana use? Because there is no evidence to collaborate what they have to say? All O'Reilly is doing is helping the black market stay in business. He claims to be for law and order but how many criminal cartels does he make wealthy because of he and his fellow prohibitionists' influence? Right now is at a tipping point in the discussion on marijuana. Colorado is up and running with legal marijuana. Washington has legalized it but hasn't started up sales to the public as of yet. Fortune 500 companies are starting to look at marijuana now that the majority of the people favor legalization. Others are finding other ways to profit from legal weed from offering chauffeured rides to marijuana tour tourists to other enterprises. The thing about marijuana is that there is a high demand and some one is going to supply that demand. Who's it going to be? these people or these people. There is no middle ground. It's either one or the other. If you side with o'Reilly and other prohibitionists then you are aligned with organized crime. It's just that simple. Like I said there is no middle ground. It's either one or the other. Which one is it going to be?

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