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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Boehner has nothing to lose

From Campaign For Liberty:

In just 22 days, John Boehner will step down as Speaker of the House.

Since Speaker Boehner took the gavel from Nancy Pelosi in 2011, his position has been one of capitulation before the fights even began.

At Campaign for Liberty, we're glad to see Speaker Boehner go, but we don't have the highest of hopes for his replacement to be much better.

That is, not without Americans like you demanding it.

With Rep. Kevin McCarthy's unexpected announcement this morning that he would not run for Speaker, the race is now wide open to replace Boehner.

But this doesn't mean Boehner is a harmless lame duck; in fact, he's made it clear he wants to make his last month as Speaker "eventful."

And at the top of his list could be renewal of the crony-capitalist Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank).

Ex-Im Bank is a little-known, New Deal-era federal agency that either loans money directly, or "guarantees" loans, to American businesses to support those business's overseas ventures.

If the company cannot pay back the loans, then you, the American taxpayer, pays back the loan.

Loans made, or guaranteed, by Ex-Im Bank are inherently risky and market-distorting, since its charter forbids it from "competing with the private sector."

Instead, it uses taxpayer funds to "...assume credit and country risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept..."

That's right; Ex-Im Bank uses YOUR money to support projects that no private investor would spend a dime on.

Worse yet, most of its funds go to large corporations...

For example, in 2014, 70 percent of the loans guaranteed by Ex-Im Bank's largest program went to the (not-so-small) business of Caterpillar!

Ex-Im Bank has also made loans worth $1.5 billion to Russia!

To put it simply, Ex-Im Bank's loans are an example of corporate welfare at its worst.

The good news for taxpayers like you?

Ex-Im Bank's charter expired at the end of June, and (despite frantic efforts by the crony capitalists who benefit from it) its charter has not been renewed.

Now for the bad news...

Last month, Democrat leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD-5) let it slip that Boehner was an "ally" on efforts to renew the now-expired Ex-Im Bank charter.

And here's where it gets ugly...

Renewal of Ex-Im Bank was attached to a big-spending transportation bill that passed the Senate in July.

Since this bill is considered a "must-pass," this gives Boehner a perfect opportunity to do one last favor for his K Street cronies before he hands over the Speaker's gavel.

That's why your action today is vital.

Please sign your "Bye Bye Boehner" Fax Petition to your representative demanding they block any attempts by John Boehner to revive Ex-Im Bank.

Your signed Fax Petition will remind your representative you do not want your tax dollars used to provide corporate welfare and support Vladimir Putin!

And unfortunately, renewing Ex-Im Bank isn't the only statist power grab Boehner may try to ram into law as he walks out the door.

Press reports indicate Boehner is talking to Senate leadership - and the Obama White House - about a budget deal to increase spending.

Not only that, but this deal could include an increase in America's debt ceiling!

Except for a very brief period in 2011 (when Boehner tried to appease the liberty movement with the phony "cuts" of the 2011 budget deal) increasing spending via secret deals has been a hallmark of Boehner's Speakership.

So as you can see, the next Speaker has a great opportunity to show they will not follow in Boehner's footsteps by blocking any budget deal that increases spending or raises the debt ceiling.

And that's why it's vital you sign your "Bye Bye Boehner" Fax Petition to your representative demanding they not allow John Boehner to cut one last deal with President Obama.

If you're reading this letter, you know what the problems are in America.

You have it in your power to change the way DC works and hold your elected officials accountable.

But you must DEMAND it!

Change won't come just by "electing the right people."

And it certainly won't come by the "right person" becoming the next Speaker of the House.

So please, do your part today by signing your "Bye Bye Boehner" Fax Petition DEMANDING your representative fight for American taxpayers.

Let them know you expect the next Speaker to begin defending the great American principles of free markets, sound money, and strict constitutional government -- unlike their weepy predecessor.

In Liberty,

Norm Singleton
Senior Vice President

P.S. Whoever your Representative chooses as the next Speaker of the House will have the power to block renewal of the Export-Import Bank and budget deals that raise the debt ceiling or increase spending.

Please sign your "Bye Bye Boehner" Fax Petition today to your representative demanding they not allow John Boehner to cut one last deal with President Obama on his way out.

Click here to sign your petition!

And after you sign, please chip in whatever you can to help Campaign for Liberty offset the cost of these Fax Petitions and continue fighting the establishment.

Boehner may do something stupid on his way out. Keep him in check so he doesn't screw up too bad.

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