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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Senator Mike Lee endorses Dan Bongino for Congress

From Senator Mike Lee:

America needs a protector and defender.

America needs someone that will stand up and make tough decisions and put the health of our nation above his or her own needs.

That's why America needs former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino in the United State Congress -- someone who already knows firsthand what it means to serve our nation.

Dan Bongino has witnessed what goes on behind closed doors in Washington -- the backroom deals that very few elected officials are willing to stand up against. It's why Dan entered this race AND why I need him as an ally in Congress.

He is someone who will stand up to the career politicians who are financially and morally bankrupting our nation.

I am reaching out to you today because I need Dan Bongino as my partner in the House of Representatives. I need him to join me in the critical fight against the progressive agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

Will you join me in supporting Dan Bongino for Congress by sending your most - generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more today?

Since becoming a senator in 2011, you and I have fought together to defend our conservative values, hold the President's lawless administration accountable, and protect Americans from economically damaging policies like Obamacare.

So it goes without saying that we recognize a fellow conservative patriot-at-arms when we see one. And Dan Bongino is the real deal.

As a Secret Service agent, Dan was tasked with protecting the agency's highest value assets -- the President of the United States. And now, Dan will protect the livelihood of all law-abiding, American citizens.

Dan will defend our Constitution from Obama's lawless White House. He will not let Obama continue to restrict our rights and add trillions to our National Debt.

I wouldn't ask if this race wasn't important; can I count on you to support Dan Bongino by sending $25, $50, $100 or more?

Without Dan in the House, Nancy Pelosi will once again become the Speaker. Can you imagine an America with Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid AND President Obama?

With that threesome in power, what they'd pass into law would undoubtedly further sink our country into an abyss. It would mean:

Cementing Obamacare as Obama's legacy law, stripping hard working Americans of their personal liberties by increasing their principles and deductibles;

Adding billions to the National Debt through a "spend now and deal with it later" mentality that would force our children and grandchildren to foot the bill for Washington's careless spending problem;

Degrading of the Constitution and the inalienable rights it ensures to American citizens through unconstitutional Executive Orders; AND

A full-on attack to the Second Amendment whether it's through legislation requiring a national gun registry or more restrictions for law-abiding citizens to carry.

Dan Bongino has put his life on the line time after time for our nation's security. Now, he is ready to do it again in Congress to defend the Constitution and America's best interests. Will you stand behind him?

Dan is a fighter, but he faces a tough battle. Dan Bongino needs the support of other like-minded patriots to win.

I am emailing you today because I know you agree that if Nancy Pelosi rejoins the ranks of Harry Reid and Barack Obama, our country will face irrevocable damage.

Can I count on you to send $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can to make sure Dan Bongino is able to protect our nation's best interests once again?

Dan's time as a Secret Service agent and his commitment to defending the Constitution makes him the perfect colleague in the House. Congressman Dan Bongino will join me to push through legislation that will lower taxes, protect individual freedoms, and restore liberty to our nation, thus forcing Obama, the commander of inaction to action.

Can I count on you? America needs more good men to protect and defend her. America is ready for a fresh start with Dan Bongino.


Senator Mike Lee, Utah

P.S. Take it from someone who knows; Dan Bongino will always fight to protect or nation and defend our Constitution. We need to send him back to Washington on another mission, not as a Secret Service agent, but as a Congressman. Will you join me in supporting Dan Bongino by sending $25, $50, $100 or more today?

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