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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Help Senator Rand Paul defeat Hillary in the polls

From Rand2016:

The press is ready to write the stories about "inevitable" candidates and their special interest big bucks.

A strong fundraising quarter will fire a shot across the bow of anyone who believes the Presidency is determined by "whose turn it is."

And with polls showing me leading Hillary Clinton in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania there is one question on everyone's mind...

Do I have the grassroots muscle to win?

Please chip in a contribution of $20.16 before the June 30th fundraising deadline to help to make the answer to that question a loud and clear "YES!"

This report is critical.

With polls proving I am the Republican best positioned to defeat Hillary Clinton the media is sure to pull from their bag of tricks to minimize conservatives.

They would like nothing more than to make this election a contest between yesterday's candidates spouting off yesterday's failed policies.

You and I know DISASTER follows when we allow the media to pick our candidates.

To win this election our party must nominate a candidate who will upend the Big Government status quo by boldly championing our conservative values.

I proved with my filibuster that forced President Obama's illegal NSA spying to expire...

... And my 14.5% flat tax proposal that kicks the IRS out of your life for good...

... I am in this race to defeat the Washington Machine!

And a strong End of Quarter fundraising report will prove to the press I have the grassroots behind me.

Allowing the media to select our party's nominee is bad news for our chances against Hillary Clinton.

So please chip in a contribution of $20.16 to my End of Quarter Money Bomb before the June 30th deadline and help my campaign build a head of steam.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul

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