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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wanna find out about what happened in Benghazi? Re-elect Trey Gowdy to find out

From Patriots For Economic Freedom:

Have You Heard About Trey Gowdy's Brilliant Plan To Force The State Department To Hand Over Hillary Clinton's Emails And Records Regarding Benghazi? Trey Gowdy's Heroic Leadership Is Going To Stop The State Department From Protecting Hillary Clinton And Covering Up The The Treasonous Crimes In Benghazi! As Chairman Of The House Select Committee On Benghazi, Trey Gowdy Is Working To Withhold State Department Funding Until The Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails And Records Are Turned Over!

Trey Gowdy has a brilliant strategy to expose Hillary Clinton's criminal role in the Benghazi attacks. It is time for the State Department to release all of Hillary Clinton's emails and records regarding the Benghazi attacks. The American people deserve to know about Hillary Clinton's incriminating emails that contain orders to hide evidence and ignore security in Benghazi! The truth about Benghazi will ruin Hillary Clinton's campaign and send many State Department officials to prison. As Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy is pushing legislation that will withhold funding from the State Department until all relevant emails and records regarding the Bengahzi attacks are unveiled. This strategy will force the State Department to cooperate with Trey Gowdy's investigation! Do you support Trey Gowdy's efforts to investigate Benghazi and withhold State Department funding? If so, please contribute $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or more, to support voter outreach and advertising efforts to re-elect Trey Gowdy. This investigation could end Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign!

The State Department must stop hiding the truth from the American people! It is outrageous that State Department officials are more concerned with protecting Hillary Clinton than investigating Benghazi! Trey Gowdy was correct when he stated that the State Department's "explanations and excuses for non-compliance are tired and unpersuasive." The strategy to withhold funding from the State Department will allow the House Select Committee on Benghazi to utilize significant leverage and get all relevant emails and documents. Funding for programs deemed essential to national security will remain intact. Do you support Trey Gowdy's plan to withhold State Department funding until all relevant emails and records regarding Benghazi are turned over? Hillary Clinton cannot run from the truth! Data recovery experts can retrieve erased messages in less than a day in the event that Hillary Clinton's mob attempted to delete emails. Please contribute $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or more, to support voter outreach and advertising efforts to re-elect Trey Gowdy.

Trey Gowdy is a principled defender of the Constitution. He is dedicated to stopping amnesty, protecting the Second Amendment, and balancing the budget. In Congress, he also fights to end big government programs such as ObamaCare and Common Core. He knows that Washington's reckless spending is a threat to America's future! Will you help re-elect Trey Gowdy to Congress? Please contribute $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or more, to support Trey Gowdy with voter outreach and advertising!

The left wants to remove Trey Gowdy from Congress. Clinton operatives are targeting Trey Gowdy because they view the Benghazi investigation as a threat to Hillary's campaign. The leftist attacks are getting more vicious every week! Conservatives everywhere must fight back and defend Trey Gowdy's House seat! Will you help re-elect Trey Gowdy?

As a father, Trey Gowdy knows that the Washington leftist agenda is bad for future generations. In Congress, Trey Gowdy fights to cut spending, end burdensome regulations, and defend the vision of America's founding fathers. He knows that Washington is the biggest obstacle to job creation in America! It is crucial that conservatives everywhere support Trey Gowdy and defend his seat in Congress. Conservatives cannot allow Trey Gowdy to be replaced by a radical liberal! Please help re-elect Trey Gowdy to Congress by contributing $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or more, for voter outreach and advertising!


Also, checks can be mailed to:
Patriots For Economic Freedom
P.O. Box 90
New York, NY 10009

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